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The Romanian Association
For Psychoanalysis Promotion


AROPA is a nonprofit organization that aims at promoting the theories, concepts and practice of psychoanalysis.

Activity of the association.
AROPA achieves its goal through a specific activity consisting of publishing psychoanalytical literature and the psychoanalytic journal OMEN.

Much effort is directed towards the Internet activity consisting in sites and forums dedicated to Sigmund Freud and psychoanalysis, ebooks and epapers approaching the main psychoanalytic topics such as dream interpretation.

Our commitment.
The Freud's psychoanalysis and application is the main concern of our society. What we mean by "Freud's psychoanalysis"? The psychoanalytic knowledge ¥developed by Freud himself in his writings.

Our policy.
We aim at the promotion of psychoanalytic knowledge, both theoretical and clinical, as it was conceived by its creator Sigmund Freud. In this respect we comply with his writings.

Although we follow the classical psychoanalytic approach and also encourage the new readings of Freud's works, essays and collaborative search that aims at promoting further the applied psychoanalysis to social and cultural facts. These contributions must also comply with the view of Sigmund Freud.

omen 20

Omen - The Romanian Journal of Psychoanalysis #20

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